Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lower Him Gently

Lower him gently, do not disturb his sleep.
Silence your voice in all that you say.
Let rain fall softly as the elements weep,
He’s the most important person of the day.

Tender souls commune today to send him on
And ache for all the things that they will miss,
For they are left behind, not going where he’s gone;
No more to hear his voice, feel his touch, or kiss…

Do not think that we leave him here alone -
Though not with him, he is with us everywhere.
He remains in more ways that can ever be shown
And resides in our hearts with memories there.

Lower him gently, for he only slumbers deep.
Though our souls yearn for some support,
He has journeyed on for an appointment to keep -
It’s why his time with us, though valued, was so short.

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